30 May · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 7 – Term 2 2016

Dear Parents,   I am pleased to inform you that the process to employ a new principal is well advanced and a high quality candidate has been identified.   Mr Greg Neville will be visiting Lihir for a “looksee” from next Tuesday afternoon. Greg will meet with School Council representatives on Tuesday night and LIPS …


19 May · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 6 Term 2 2016

Dear Parents,   This week teachers have continued to work together to improve teaching and learning at our school, through a process of observation and feedback, as part of our Assessment for Learning program.   This process involves teachers observing their colleague’s teaching practice and student response to particular areas of this teaching to ensure …


12 May · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 5 Term 2 2016

Dear Parents,   Year three, five and seven students have been involved in NAPLAN testing during the past three days. Teachers and I have been really impressed with the calm, mature and studious manner in which all children have approached these tests.   Completed NAPLAN test material will be sent to Australia for marking at …


9 May · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 4 Term 2 2016

Dear Parents,   One of our major out of school social events, the Parents and Wantoks Trivia Night, is fast approaching.   Trivia Night will be held at the club on the evening of Saturday 21st of May. This is always a fantastic night so start recruiting your team in preparation to challenge for this …


28 Apr · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 3 Term 2 2016

Dear Parents,   Our school’s Education Queensland International Audit will take place from Monday 23rd to Friday 27th of May. Two auditors will travel to Lihir and review our school during week seven of this term.   In order to collect parent opinion data there is an online 2016 Parent Survey and this survey is …


22 Apr · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 2 Term 2 2016

Dear Parents,   Today I have informed NML Human Resources Manager, Ron Ross, of my resignation from Lihir International Primary School.   I will continue as principal until the end of this term and then complete the facilitation of July teacher professional development before returning to Adelaide.   The process to employ a new principal …


18 Apr · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 1 Term 2 2016

Dear Parents,   Welcome to term two. Students have made a positive start to the term and it is great to see nearly all students back at school and engaging in a wide range of Australian Curriculum learning tasks.   All staff really valued the high level of parent engagement during the Parent / Teacher …


23 Mar · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 9 Term 1 2016

Dear Parents,   We have almost reached the end of another term of learning at Lihir International Primary School and I again need to acknowledge the terrific effort and behaviour displayed by all students throughout first term.   The positive classroom tone, which is evident at nearly all times, really sets the scene for an …


20 Mar · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 8 Term 1 2016

Dear Parents,   I would like to thank all in our school community for your calm, thoughtful response to news that a child in our school was diagnosed with Tuberculosis. Our thoughts are with this child and I am sure all in our school community wish this child a speedy recovery.   ISOS will continue …


16 Mar · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 7 Term 1 2016

Dear Parents,   It is hard to believe we are almost at the end of week seven and only have two weeks remaining in a compact term full of learning.   I have been continually impressed with the effort and behaviour of all children throughout the first seven weeks of the term. Every time I …

Lihir International School/School to Mine

Newcrest Townsite, Lihir Island,
New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea

P | (675) 9864233

E | lisstm.admin@newmont.com