Week 5 Term 3 2015

Dear Parents / Guardians,


It has been wonderful to see our students and teachers practicing for the up-coming Independence Day celebrations. Thanks to those parents and friends who have volunteered their time to come in the mornings and teach the students – we are all looking forward to a wonderful, colourful celebration! Parents are reminded when they collect their children in the afternoons, not to drive into the school drive-way. This practice is dangerous, especially for small children walking out the gate. Tickets are selling fast for the Golden Orchid Ball, please support our P&W and purchase your tickets as soon as possible from Rose in the office.


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Lihir International School/School to Mine

Newcrest Townsite, Lihir Island,
New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea

P | (675) 9864233

E | lisstm.admin@newmont.com