5 May · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 3 – Term 2 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers,   School Photos   School photos will be on Friday 12th May (week 4) for all classes. Please ensure Prep – year 10 students are in formal uniform. Kindy students do not wear a uniform. If you would like your child to have an individual photo, please message/email Mrs Romaso-Daimol or …


28 Apr · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 2 – Term 2 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers,   Staffing   I am pleased to welcome Ms Rachael Baiwan, our new high school maths / science  teacher, to LIS. Ms Baiwan is a very experienced teacher from the international school sector and will be a welcome addition to the LIS team. Ms Baiwan is expected on the island this …


21 Apr · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 1 – Term 2 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers,   Welcome back to school for term two!   Students have made a great start to the new term and it was pleasing to see so many arrive on time and in correct school uniform. Please remember school begins at 8:15am and children can start arriving at school from 7:45am onwards. …


30 Mar · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 8 – Term 1 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers,   End of Term   Thank you to our LIS community for a successful term 1. Thanks to our P & W Committee, Phylis Gurra and helpers for running Canteen and to Rebecca Daimol-Matson and her helpers for organising the very successful bake sale. I hope everyone has a safe and …


24 Mar · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Water Outage / School Closure Monday

Good afternoon parents / carers,   Due to the water outage on Monday 27th March and the inability to use the school toilets, the school will be closed for students.   Parents who wish to send their children in the morning at 8am to collect some work for the day prepared by the teachers are …


24 Mar · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 8 – Term 1 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers,   Parent Communication   For general announcements and information, Lihir International School communicates with the parent body and the wider community through this Toksave, the school’s website and the school’s Facebook page.  We will now also be sending a hard copy of the newsletter home with the eldest in each family. …


17 Mar · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 7 – Term 1 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers,   Communication   At Lihir International school, we encourage parents and carers to communicate regularly with class teachers regarding their children’s schooling. Please raise any concerns with the class teacher in the first instance.  Parents and carers are also encouraged to approach the principal if the wish to discuss any matter …


10 Mar · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 6 – Term 1 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers,   School Council   There will be a School Council meeting at 6pm on Thursday, 23rd March in the year 9/10 room. All our Councillors are encouraged to attend. If you are interested in finding out more about the School Council, please give me a call or make a time to …


3 Mar · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 5 – Term 1 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers,   LIBRARY AND TEXT BOOKS   There have been some incidents of careless and unnecessary damage to school library and text books when they have been taken home. It is very costly to source and supply students with these resources on Lihir. We ask parents and carers to keep an eye …


23 Feb · Gregory Neville · No Comments

Week 4 – Term 1 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers,   Farewell   Today the school farewells Ms Jenny Pesas, who has worked at the school as an assistant teacher for more than 25 years. She has taught many students over the years and has become a much-loved member of staff by students, teachers and parents alike. We wish her a …

Lihir International School/School to Mine

Newcrest Townsite, Lihir Island,
New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea

P | (675) 9864233

E | lisstm.admin@newmont.com