Week 9 – Term 3 2020

Dear parents and carers,


In preparation for our first year 10 class in 2021, we are in the process of recruiting specialist highschool subject teachers to complement our current highschool teaching staff. Along with this, relevant textbooks and other teaching and learning resources are being purchased. We are also in the process of setting up our new  STEM / Technology workshop at the School to Mine campus, and remodelling the school canteen into a commercial / hospitality kitchen. These resources and upgrades will see our students have access to high quality learning environments.


To complement our school STEM resources, extra drones, tablets and sphero ball resources have recently arrived. The school’s second 3D printer will be installed at the School to Mine Campus.  Thanks goes to Newcrest Mining LTD for their support in enabling us to provide quality education at LIS.


Parent / teacher interviews


We will be holding parent / teacher on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th September from 3.00pm – 6.00pm. Interview times are in 15 minute slots. Portfolios will be sent home next Friday, 11 September.


Please email Rachael – Rachael.Andar@newcrest.com.au with your suggested times and the relevant teacher/s. Rachael will confirm your time by email.


For high school students, parents may make bookings to see their English, Maths, Science and HASS teachers. If your child has the same teacher for two subjects eg HASS and Science, please book one timeslot only with that teacher.


Please ensure you arrive early for your interview as you will need to wash hands on entering the school grounds and get a temperature check at my office. Then you can proceed to the relevant classroom. It is also important that social distancing is maintained.


If you would like more information regarding any of the topics in this newsletter, please do not hesitate to make contact.


Week 9 – Term 3 2020

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Lihir International School/School to Mine

Newcrest Townsite, Lihir Island,
New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea

P | (675) 9864233

E | lisstm.admin@newmont.com