Week 3 – Term 4 2020

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


Please read carefully the ‘New Normal’ requirements for Term 4 below. These practices continue to be in place to keep our children and island safe.


2021 Classes


I am currently in the final stages of organising classes for the 2021 school year. If you know your child / children will not be attending Lihir International school in 2021, and you have not yet informed me, please let me know as soon as possible so that year level numbers and class organisation can be finalised. 2021 classes will be announced in week 9.


Awards Night


In the last week of this term, on Wednesday the 2nd of December, the school will host its Awards Night. The evening will consist of various awards for each class and feature class concert items. This year, social distancing precautions will apply, with limited guests per family able to attend. Further information regarding the Awards Night will be disseminated in coming weeks.


School for Term 4 will finish on Thursday the 3rd December.


If you would like more information regarding any of the topics in this newsletter, please do not hesitate to make contact.


Week 3 – Term 4 2020

Click here to read more…

Lihir International School/School to Mine

Newcrest Townsite, Lihir Island,
New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea

P | (675) 9864233

E | lisstm.admin@newmont.com