Week 3 Term 1 2019

Dear Parents / Caregivers,


You are encouraged to pack a healthy lunch for your children to bring to school for recess and lunch. The school encourages parents to pack food items such as fruit, sandwiches, yogurt, veggie sticks, pieces of cheese, a muesli bar, biscuits, piece of cake, muffins, wraps, salad, boiled eggs, rice, garden food etc. Twisties, crisps, hot chips, chocolates, lollies and un-cooked Maggi noodles are not allowed at school.


Students are encouraged to bring a bottle of water each day that can be refilled at the school.


Cordial, soft drinks and other sugary drinks are not allowed at school.


Parents are encouraged to purchase from the Canteen on Fridays rather than buying food elsewhere and dropping it into school.

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Lihir International School/School to Mine

Newcrest Townsite, Lihir Island,
New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea

P | (675) 9864233

E | lisstm.admin@newmont.com